Joyful Hearts

Goal: $25,000.00

Specific Need

Educating children with disabilities can be difficult, but for anyone involved in the process, especially parents, it is one of the most rewarding experiences. In addition to their loving, caring family at home, children with disabilities need professional support to meet the milestones that other children meet effortlessly. However, parents too often find that such opportunities for professional help are few and far between. The mission of Joyful Hearts is to make professional support available to as many families as possible, because we know first-hand the vital difference it can make in a child’s life.


Our own daughter Natalie, who is about to turn 5, has now received therapy from No Stone Unturned in Manhattan, KS for a year. Her tremendous improvement so far is such a joy! Every week, No Stone sees over 300 children from all over the state. Unfortunately, Natalie, just like many of these children, only received this care after being on the waitlist for a year, and she continues to be on the waitlist to receive the amount of therapy for which she qualifies. To add to that, she is approaching school age, and will need more school-related therapy very soon. Where can families like ours turn to get all the much needed professional support to help their children with disabilities? We need many more professional organizations to ensure such services are available and accessible to the many children who need them.  


My husband and I continue to search for answers, with the support of many local families. We have been able to find a great entity in Independence, MO called Marian Hope. Marian Hope provides special education with a focus on children with therapeutic needs. At long last, a solution for our rural community which will meet the needs of the many children with disabilities has presented itself. Together with Marian Hope we are working toward opening a non-profit developmental center called Joyful Hearts to provide education through therapy and peer support to give these children the quality of life they deserve. 


By giving to Joyful Hearts you will be assisting in covering the costs of rent, staff training, educational supplies, and other costs bound to come. Working with Marian Hope to provide for our local children is one of the many things we have in the works and we depend on your generosity to help this continue. Here’s how you can help:


First, please pray for us as we navigate this project! 


Second, donate on this website or in person during Match Day!


Why the name “Joyful Hearts”?

First, our own daughter is named Natalie Joy which means "Birth of Joy". She was born with Down's Syndrome and needed open heart surgery to live. Her heart is so precious and the amount of joy she exudes is unmatched. God puts children in our lives for a reason. When you slow down and engage with a child who has challenges, you see that the more you give to them the more joy they give back to you and the world around them.

Second, children with disabilities are very capable. They just need a bit more aid to achieve the milestones the average child breezes through. These achievements are such a joy to witness! Sometimes families, as loving and caring as they are, cannot provide the support which a child needs to flourish, so they turn to professional help. It is heartbreaking when this professional help is unattainable.

If you are one of those families in need of these services, feel free to reach out. We are here for you! If you are a professional or someone who wishes to get involved in the project, please reach out as well!


THANK YOU, and may God bless you!

Jennifer and Nickolas Peros 

and The Joyful Hearts Team

Photos & Videos

$12,200.00 received
in 58 gifts
48.80%  of  $25,000.00 Goal


310 W Bertrand Ave
Saint Marys, KS 66535
Phone: (785) 285-2029

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